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Fast Easy to Learn Vocabulary Words Ancient Greece Ducksters

Daily Life

  • Greek Daily Life

    History of Greek Daily Life

    The daily life of an ancient Greek was very similar to our lives today. Of course, ancient Greeks did not have smart phones, computers, televisions, or electricity. But they did live in highly organized cities

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  • Ancient Greek Towns

    History of Ancient Greek Towns

    Ancient Greece had different kinds of buildings and cities that were set close to the Mediterranean Sea

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  • Greek Food

    History of Greek Food

    Finding a great meal in ancient Greece would have been very easy. They ate a variety of delicious dishes, some of which are still around today.

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  • Ancient Greek Wine

    History of Ancient Greek Wine

    Wine was very important in Ancient Greek and not just to drink but it was a big part of trade.

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  • Greek Clothing

    History of Greek Clothing

    The ancient Greeks weren't terribly interested in fashion! The clothing they wore was simple and was made to serve a purpose.

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  • Greek Pets

    History of Greek Pets

    The Greeks loved their pets, especially dogs! Like most modern societies, dogs were the most common pet in ancient Greece.

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  • Greek Toys

    History of Greek Toys

    Just like children of today, children in ancient Greece loved to play with a variety of toys. Archaeologists have uncovered all sorts of toys at sites in Greece.

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  • Wedding Customs

    History of Wedding Customs

    Ancient Greek weddings were very popular.  Most of the time, girls would marry as young as 12 or 13 years of age.

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  • Greek Home

    History of Greek Home

    The architecture of Greek houses in ancient times was designed to keep their residents cool during the hot summers and keep them warm in winter.

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  • Greek Education

    History of Greek Education

    The Greeks loved to learn! They believed that learning was one of the best ways you could spend your time. They didn't see going to school as a chore at all.

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  • Ancient Greek Families

    History of Ancient Greek Families

    Ancient Greek families had similar lives of what we live today except that they had many different customs that they would follow

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  • Ancient Greek Farmers

    History of Ancient Greek Farmers

    It was hard to do farming in Ancient Greece because there was not good soil.

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  • Greek Games

    History of Greek Games

    Just like children of today, children in ancient Greece enjoyed playing a variety of games.

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Art and Culture

  • Greek Alphabet

    History of Greek Alphabet

    For thousands of years, humans wrote without any letters. They simply drew pictures to make their point. You didn't have to know a certain language to understand these pictures.

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  • Ancient Greek Culture

    History of Ancient Greek Culture

    Different cities in Ancient Greece had different cultures and traditions

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  • Greek Vase Painting

    History of Greek Vase Painting

    Ancient Greek art was an important part of the lives of the people. Vase painting was important

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  • Ancient Greek Religion

    History of Ancient Greek Religion

    Religion was very important to the Ancient Greeks and they believed that religion was important to keep

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  • Greek Dance

    History of Greek Dance

    The Greeks believed in enjoying life. One of the things that made life enjoyable for them was music and dance.

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  • Ancient Greek Music

    History of Ancient Greek Music

    No one really knows what music of Ancient Greek sounded like because none of it was ever recorded.

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  • Greek Theatre

    History of Greek Theatre

    The English words for tragedy and comedy come from the language of the Ancient Greeks. Although the Greeks were not the first to perform plays, they were very interested in the origins of tragedy and comedy.

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  • Law in Ancient Greece

    History of Law in Ancient Greece

    From 1200-900 B.C.E, the Ancient Greeks had no official court system. During this time period, if you committed a murder, you would most likely be killed by the members of the victim's family.

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  • Greek Sculptures

    History of Greek Sculptures

    The Ancient Greeks loved people and knew that they were a very important part of life and culture.

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  • Ancient Greek Olympics

    History of Ancient Greek Olympics

    In 776 B.C.E, about three thousand years ago, the first Olympic Games took place. Originally, the games were part of a religious festival to honor Zeus.

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  • Ancient Greek Sports

    History of Ancient Greek Sports

    Sports have been around for thousands of years and it was during the Ancient Greek time that sports became a very popular event.

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  • Greek Art

    History of Greek Art

    Ancient Greek culture was full of different types of art. Ancient Greeks decorated almost every part of their lives, from their buildings and city streets to the inside of their homes, many objects in Greek life were created

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  • Greek History

    History of Greek History

    Greek history is an interesting look at a wonderful era of human invention, philosophy, art and architecture. The earliest civilizations in Greece were in two different areas: on the island of Crete and on the mainland of Greece.

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  • Greek Literature

    History of Greek Literature

    The art of writing was lost to Greece from around 1200 BC, and for nearly 500 years Greece entered an age of illiteracy. But around 750 BC, Grecian traders came into contact with Phoenicians, who used a script called an alphabet.

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  • Greek Science

    History of Greek Science

    In the Hellenistic Age of Ancient Greece, science became a major topic of study. The Hellenistic Age of Greece was a time when Greek culture spread throughout Persia and North Africa, including Egypt.

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  • Greek Architecture

    History of Greek Architecture

    Architecture is the art of designing and creating buildings. Greek architecture is a very specific and influential type of design, which was based off of the post-and-lintel system. The post-and-lintel system is made up of columns

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  • Greek Wall Paintings

    History of Greek Wall Paintings

    Wall paintings were some of the most famous art works that were done in Ancient Greece.  These paintings were painted

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  • Greek Weddings

    History of Greek Weddings

    In Ancient Greece, around 400 B.C.E., young girls were given in marriage as soon as they reached puberty, about the age of 12 or 13.

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  • Ancient Greece Timeline

    History of Ancient Greece Timeline

    Ancient Greek history covers three distinct periods of time. The first is the Archaic Period followed by the Classical Period

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  • Legacy of Ancient Greece

    History of Legacy of Ancient Greece

    The legacy of ancient Greece has played an important role in developing modern civilizations. Ancient Greek culture spread

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  • The City of Athens

    History of The City of Athens

    The city of Athens is one of the oldest cities in the world. During ancient Greek times the city was the center of knowledge and culture.

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  • Sparta

    History of Sparta

    Sparta was an important and powerful city-state in ancient Greece. It was located in the southeastern portion of Greece

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  • Minoans and Mycenaeans

    History of Minoans and Mycenaeans

    The Minoans and Mycenaeans play an important role in ancient Greek history. The two different civilizations helped develop ancient Greece.

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  • Ancient Greek City-States

    History of Ancient Greek City-States

    The country was not controlled by a central government or by a king. The only time Ancient Greece was one country was during the reign

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  • Decline and Fall of Greece

    History of Decline and Fall of Greece

    Ancient Greece was an important factor in the development of Western Civilization in future.

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  • Geography of Ancient Greece

    History of Geography of Ancient Greece

    The geography of ancient Greece played a huge role in the development of city-states. Ancient Greece was never a united country

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  • Ancient Greek Myths

    History of Ancient Greek Myths

    Ancient Greek myths were intertwined into Greek society from the beginning. The ancient Greek myths

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Greek War

  • Ancient Greek Ships

    History of Ancient Greek Ships

    Greek ships were long ships that were usually around the same size and they were used to make deliveries and to carry cargo.

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  • Ancient Greek Warriors

    History of Ancient Greek Warriors

    During Ancient Greek times, there was always some kind of war happening.The wars would happen within the city

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  • Greek Wars and Battles

    History of Greek Wars and Battles

    There were different city-states in Ancient Greece, and it was not considered to be one big country. Each of these city-states

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  • Persian Wars

    History of Persian Wars

    The Ancient Egyptians fought with Persia many times throughout these times. The wars took place between 492 BC

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  • The Delian League

    History of The Delian League

    The Delian League was a league of people that banded together in order to form a group that would help to support the armies of Greece.

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  • Peloponnesian War

    History of Peloponnesian War

    The Peloponnesian War was a war that was fought in Ancient Greece. This was a war between Athens and Sparta.

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  • Trojan Horse

    History of Trojan Horse

    The Trojan Horse was something that is very known to Ancient Greek mythology. This was a story that involves Athens and Sparta.

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  • The Acropolis

    History of The Acropolis

    Greece is a country with many mountains, and cities were often built on rocky outcroppings to be better able to defend themselves.

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  • Greek Philosophers

    History of Greek Philosophers

    Ancient Greek philosophy was very important. It was a time when people would come together and discuss different things such as

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  • Greek Philosophy

    History of Greek Philosophy

    One of the most unique and wonderful of Greek inventions was philosophy. Philosophy was the special way Greeks attempted to make sense out of the world, in a non-religious way. This means that rather than using myths

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  • Alexander the Great

    History of Alexander the Great

    The ancient kingdom of northern Greece was called Macedonia. This powerful empire was ruled by Alexander's father, King Philip II.

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  • Archimedes

    History of Archimedes

    Archimedes was born in 287 B.C. and died in 212 B.C.  He was an inventor, a Greek scientist, a mathematician and an astronomer.

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  • Aristotle

    History of Aristotle

    Aristotle was a very famous philosopher and scientist that was born 384 B.C. and he died in 322 B.C.  He is a very special part of Ancient Greek history.

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  • Pericles

    History of Pericles

    Pericles was born in 495 BC and died in 429 BC.  He was the leader of Athens during the times of the Golden Ages.

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  • Plato

    History of Plato

    Plato was a student of the philosopher, Socrates.  He was from a very rich family and he was alive from 427 BC to 354 BC.

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  • Socrates

    History of Socrates

    Socrates was a famous ancient Greek philosopher but he didn't seem to write much because there are no records.

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  • Ancient Greek Women

    History of Ancient Greek Women

    The lives of women in Ancient Greece were very different from women in modern countries today.

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  • Greek Men

    History of Greek Men

    Free men had most of the rights in the culture of Ancient Greece. Male slaves, women, and children were not considered to be citizens.

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  • Greek Children

    History of Greek Children

    There weren't any words in the language of the ancient Greeks that had the same meaning as the word "family." The closest word to family is the word "oikos," which means household.

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  • The Dorians

    History of The Dorians

    According to Greek legends, the ancient people called the Dorians were named after a district in the center of Greece.

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  • Greek Slavery

    History of Greek Slavery

    The ancient Greeks loved their democracy. They were also proud of themselves for being very civilized people.

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Greek Gods

  • Greek Gods

    History of Greek Gods

    Learn all about the Greek God and the different powers abilities they had. Zeus was the King of the Gods and threw lighting like a spear.

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